

The 1st Event of Chinese Traditional Music Institute





嗨,亲爱的外国朋友们,你们了解中国传统音乐吗?你们见过中国传统乐器吗?你们演奏过中国传统乐曲吗?11月1日,由上海音乐学院主办的市民公益音乐课堂“中国传统音乐研习所”正式开班啦!快跟着小编一起走进我们的活动,让你的周末变得“中国”吧!HI,dear friends from foreign countries, how much do you know about traditional Chinese music? Have you seen traditional Chinese instruments, and have you played a traditional Chinese musical piece? On Nov. 1st, Traditional Chinese Music Institute - a non-profit class for citizens presented by Shanghai Conservatory of Music is launched. Come with me and make your weekends “Chinese”!





Over forty friends from many countries all around the six continents, including Germany, Australia, France, Japan, Canada, Thailand, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Argentina, South Korea, Sweden, Algeria, the US, Iran, Peru, Indonesia, Russia, Hong Kong(China) and Taiwan(China) attended this course, their ages ranging from 18 to 51.


Despite the rain and sudden drop of temperature in Shanghai, they all showed their keen interest for traditional Chinese music by coming early to await the beginning.



Professor YANG Yandi,the vice president of Shanghai Conservatory of Music whose fans are beyond counting, will certainly not miss the opening ceremony of this event. He hopes all foreign friends will experience the unique charm of traditional Chinese music culture through the four courses. Professor YANG seemed to have a very high popularity among our foreign friends too!

As the lecture by renowned scholar Professor GUO Shuhui began, a vivid introduction from various aspects of appreciating Chinese traditional music, including the place, notations and instruments, was given in comparison to Western music. She simplified the complex theories to help participants to have a better understanding to the characteristics and aesthetics of traditional Chinese music.

From folk songs through instrumental solo and ensemble pieces to Chinese dramas and operas, Professor GUO presented many videos to demonstrate Chinese music classics and maestros, its past and present as well as the cultural spirituality, which drew the close attention of every participants, some of them were even taking videos with their cell phones. It was emphasized also by Professor GUO that traditional Chinese music is pursuing an amalgamation with Western music while sticking to its tradition.

学员们在上海音乐学院教学大楼前合影Group Photo taken at Teaching Building of SHCM光听怎么够,“读万卷书,行万里路”,学习当然要实践。讲座结束后,我们乘大巴前往上海音乐学院东方乐器博物馆,参观了馆内展出的500多件收藏乐器。
Of course it’s not enough to know about Chinesetraditional Music merely by listening: to learn is to practice, as Chinese proverb goes, “Read thousands of books as well as walking thousands of miles.” After the lecture, a bus took us to the Museum of Oriental Instruments of Shanghai Conservatory of Music with over 500 instruments enshrined and exhibited there.

馆长史寅老师早早在馆厅迎接学员们。他用他浑厚的声线,激情地向外国友人们介绍乐器博物馆,成功激发了大家对接下来参观的期待。Mr. SHI Yin, the president of the Museum, has already been waiting to welcome the participants in front of the exhibition hall. He gave a passionate introduction of the museum to all the foreign friends with his rich voice , raising everyone’s anticipation of the upcoming tour inside.



The anticipation was not in vain, as President SHI introduced ancient Chinese instruments, modern Chinese instruments, foreign ethnic instruments and China ethnic minorities’ instruments to us, with his singing and gestures in addition to humorous languages. Amusing enough for me,a Chinese speaking participant with his friends even worried about the interpreter for his difficulties in translating so much humour.

Actually, President SHI didn’t need to worry at all. His bilingual demonstration interacted well with all participants standing around in a circle, creating a relaxed ambiance filled with laughter.



The Guqin and bent-necked Pipa from Tang Dynasty, the living fossils among all other Chinese instruments, attracted the participants’ sight. Yet they gave way to the most magnificent, delicate and wondrous set of bells of Tetrarch Yi of the state of Zeng, at which people wondered as they ring with two pitches each.




Moreover, other oriental instruments are also on exhibition in the museum. President SHI shocked everyone by his words that ethnic instruments are never in stasis, instruments of Korea and Japan are influenced by Chinese culture, while instruments of China took influences from Western Asian cultures. As an ethnic instrument is brought to another country, it evolves to their ethnic instrument, in a way of communication and amalgamation.

There came the end of the activities today. Back in the conservatory, people were still fervently talking about the events past and ahead.


学员们在东方乐器博物馆门前合影留念Group photo taken at Oriental Musical instrument Museum